Odyssey 2022 | 说话人和语种识别领域国际顶会,即将开幕!
与以往的Odyssey研讨会不同,Odyssey 2022提前推出了说话人识别挑战赛,即CN-Celeb说话人识别挑战赛2022(CNSRC 2022),旨在评估当前说话人识别的效果方法在真实的应用场景中工作,通常具有广泛的复杂性和实时处理速度。一共有132支国际队伍报名。
Odyssey 2022总共收到了77份投稿,其中59份被接受在研讨会中展示,接受率为76.6%,几乎是过去6个研讨会中最低的。与以往的研讨会一样,Odyssey 2022包括3个主题演讲、4个教程、10个技术会议、1个最佳论文奖和1个最佳学生论文奖。
Odyssey2022 将于2022年6月28日(下周二)至7月1日(下周五)在中国北京线上举行,届时,欢迎大家来参与(参会方式见05部分)。
01、议 程
1. Neural Speaker Diarization in the Context of Automatic Speech Recognition
讲者:Kyu J. Han, Tae Jin Park, and Dimitrios Dimitriadis
Kyu J. Han
Senior Director of Speech Modeling and ML Data Labeling @ASAPP
Tae Jin Park
Deep Learning Applied Scientist @Nvidia
Dimitrios Dimitriadis
Principal Researcher @Microsoft Research
2. Speaker Diarization: A Journey from Unsupervised to Supervised Approaches
讲者:Chao Zhang and Quan Wang
Chao Zhang
Senior Research Scientist of Google
Quan Wang
Staff Software Engineer of Google
3. Unraveling the acoustic biomarkers of COVID-19
讲者:Sriram Ganapathy
Sriram Ganapathy
Associate Professor of the Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
4. Speech Emotion Recognition: Challenges, Approaches and Future Directions
讲者:Longbiao Wang and Xixin Wu
Longbiao Wang
Professor of the Tianjin University, China and a visiting professor of Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST), Japan.
Xixin Wu
Research Assistant Professor with the Stanley Ho Big Data Decision Analytics Research Centre, CUHK
1. Jenthe Thienpondt
单位:IDLab, Ghent University
主持:Kong Aik Lee, Institute for Infocomm Research, A*STAR, Singapore
主题:Beyond ECAPA-TDNN: Lessons Learned and Future Trends in Speaker Recognition
2. Tomi Kinnunen
单位:University of Eastern Finland
主持:Niko Brümmer, Phonexia, South Africa
主题:A decade of experiences in evaluating speaker recognition under attacks
3. Thomas Fang Zheng
单位:Tsinghua University
主持:Koichi Shinoda, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
主题:The Trusted Identity Authentication in China and A Brain-inspired Decision-Making Strategy for Fake Speech Detection
Odyssey 2022 会议手册
06、鸣 谢