
Welcome to the Interspeech 2020 Far-Field Speaker Verification Challenge (FFSVC 2020).


Speaker verification is a key technology in speech processing and biometric authentication, which has broad impact on our daily lives, e.g. security, customer service, mobile devices, smart speakers. Recently, speech based human computer interaction has become more and more popular in far-field smart home and smart city applications, e.g. mobile devices, smart speakers, smart TVs, automobiles. Due to the usage of deep learning methods, the performances of speaker verification in telephone channel and close-talking microphone channel have been enhanced dramatically. However, there are still some open research questions that can be further explored for speaker verification in the far-field and complex environments, including but not limited to

• Far-field text-dependent speaker verification for wake up control

• Far-field text-independent speaker verification with complex environments

• Far-field speaker verification with cross-channel enrollment and test

• Far-field speaker verification with single multi-channel microphone array

• Far-field speaker verification with multiple distributed microphone arrays

• Far-field speaker verification with front-end speech enhancement methods

• Far-field speaker verification with end-to-end modeling using data augmentation

• Far-field speaker verification with front-end and back-end joint modeling

• Far-field speaker verification with transfer learning and domain adaptation

The FFSVC 2020 challenge is designed to boost the speaker verification research with special focus on far-field distributed microphone arrays under noisy conditions in real scenes. The objectives of this challenge are to: 1) benchmark the current speech verification technology under this challenging condition, 2) promote the development of new ideas and technologies in speaker verification, 3) provide an open, free, and large scale speech database to the community that exhibits the far-field characteristics in real scenes.



The challenge have three tasks in different scenes.

•Task 1: Far-Field Text-Dependent Speaker Verification from single microphone array

•Task 2: Far-Field Text-Independent Speaker Verification from single microphone array

•Task 3: Far-Field Text-Dependent Speaker Verification from distributed microphone arrays



All three tasks follow the cross-channel setup. The recordings of close-talking cellphone will be selected as enrollment and the recordings of far-field microphone array will be used for test.


Each registered team could participate in any one or two or all three tasks.


The Organizing Committee:

  Ming Li, Duke Kunshan University (DKU)

  Haizhou Li, National University of Singapore (NUS)

  Shrikanth Narayanan, University of Southern California (USC)

  Rohan Kumar Das, National University of Singapore (NUS)

  Wei Rao, National University of Singapore (NUS)

  Hui Bu, AISHELL foundation